Become an HVAC Technician in West Palm Beach, FL: Training Requirements

Are you looking to become an HVAC technician in West Palm Beach? Learn about the training requirements for becoming an HVAC technician in West Palm Beach.

Become an HVAC Technician in West Palm Beach, FL: Training Requirements

Are you looking to become an HVAC technician in West Palm Beach, FL? If so, you'll need to know the training requirements for the job. Florida Career College offers a path to earning your high school diploma while completing HVAC training. If you don't have a high school diploma, you can still graduate from high school and become certified simultaneously in as little as ten months. Trainees must complete 216 hours of classroom work and 2000 hours of practical training per year.

Indian River State College and Palm Beach State College both offer HVAC learning programs. Professional certification is increasingly important in the green industry, and Palm Beach State offers three college credit certificates in gardening and horticulture. Graduates of this CCC program can dedicate the credits earned to program A.Environmental horticulture provides the knowledge and experience that drive the green industry in Palm Beach County. Working with partners from the construction industry, Palm Beach State College has designed two programs that prepare students for a successful career in construction management.

If you're interested in becoming an HVAC technician, consider enrolling in Florida Career College's HVAC training program. When you complete an HVAC program, you'll learn all the skills needed to become an entry-level HVAC technician, not just the general skills a specific employer wants you to know. An HVAC technician or HVAC service technician is trained to address any heating, ventilation, or air conditioning and refrigeration need and ensure that heating and cooling equipment is functioning optimally. Some Palm Beach State College (PBSC) programs require an application for an additional program to be submitted once you have been accepted to Palm Beach State College. Palm Beach State College awards students who complete their learning period a training certificate under the Professional Certification Program. At Palm Beach State, students learn all facets of this global industry and prepare for careers in hotels, restaurants, resorts and spas, tourist attractions, convention centers, and more. Most Palm Beach state certifications can be used as a stepping stone to the FNGLA certifications of the same name.

HVAC Excellence and the Association for Accreditation of Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration (PAHRA) accredit HVAC programs. An HVAC technician must be able to diagnose complex problems and know the right equipment to solve them; maintain old technology by checking for leaks, cleaning filters and replacing parts; and even installing completely new systems, such as drilling and cutting buildings to ensure proper connectivity and understand ductwork. The skills used as an HVAC technician will also make you a valuable employee for contractors, direct sales establishments, hardware wholesalers, commercial equipment repair and maintenance, grocery stores, home HVAC repair and replacement companies, and even aerospace manufacturing companies. Courses in this program can be transferred to Palm Beach State's Applied Science in Supervision and Management degree program.

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